Chilliwack Sea Cadets
Fun, Challenge, Friends
08 September 2020 Join Chilliwack Sea Cadets!
At 6:45pm on the 8th of September, 2020 the Chilliwack Sea Cadets invite all youth between the ages of 12-18 to join us. The Chilliwack Sea Cadets have a lot of fun filled activities including free to Cadets CanSail Sail training, marksmanship, leadership, ropework, seamanship, military band, marching, sports of all kinds and that is only a sample of what we do. Please bring your BC Care Card/BC Services Card/Medical Insurance Card as well as one of the following identity documents (Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, Canadian Permanent Resident Card, Certificate of Canadian Citizenship, or Passport with valid visitor record, study or work permit.).
We parade at the Colonel Roger Kenwood St. John, OMM, CD Armoury located at 5535 Korea Road, Chilliwack, BC. If the front gate is closed please gain access through the rear gate behind the UFV Building.

Military Band
Do you play an instrument? Do you want to be part of one of Chilliwack Sea Cadet's top cadets? When you sign up please let us know so that you can join the band!

Cenotaph Guard
Members of the Chilliwack Sea Cadets participate as the cenotaph guard during special ceremonies including Remembrance Day and Battle of the Atlantic. Want to be a part of the elite division. Let us know!

Got Water?
Chilliwack Sea Cadets has an on water program that includes sailing vessels such as the corps' MacGregor sailboat down to smaller craft such as Echo's, and the pre-olympic class 420. Cadets participating in the program will be able to not only have fun learning the skill of being on the water but earn certifications of the CanSail Program for free.

There is something for everyone in the Chilliwack Sea Cadet Program. Summer Training Centres, International Exchanges, Fun trips aboard different ships and vessels, Spring Break Activities are opportunities that are all possible. Check us out.